Yogurt gets a passport

The yogurt case in your local supermarket is like a mini United Nations. When I was a kid, the most exotic yogurt available was the one that came in a slightly smaller cup with a fancy French name (Yoplait). Nowadays, nearly all yogurts have shrunk from 8-oz. to 6-oz., giving Yoplait some company as a 2/3 cup serving.

Also, today we can get yogurt inspired from Greece, Australia, and now, Iceland. (Locavores, take note: most of these yogurts are processed in the United States – so while the front of the package conjures up transatlantic travel, the reality is these yogurts are made in California, New York or other less exotic locales).

I recently tried Siggi’s Icelandic Style Skyr, which is apparently the traditional style of yogurt in Iceland. The watery whey from milk is removed, leaving behind a thick, concentrated yogurt with double to triple the amount of protein. I like Greek yogurt, though sometimes the tanginess is too much for me. Siggi’s yogurts were tangy and thick as well, and very tasty. They come in exotic flavors such as pomegranate & passion fruit, orange & ginger, and acai, in addition to the more traditional plain, blueberry and vanilla.

As with nearly all dairy products these days, Siggi’s yogurt has a claim that the milk used for its yogurt does not contain added growth hormone (rBGH). It’s also noted that the yogurt contains no artificial sweetener but rather is lightly sweetened with agave nectar. For fructose-a-phobes that really should be a flag, since agave nectar is about 80-90% fructose (whereas the much-maligned high fructose corn syrup contains 55% fructose, and table sugar is 50% fructose). But that’s the subject of another post…